Red Rock Canyon Interpretive Association (RRCIA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1982 to work alongside California State Parks to protect Red Rock Canyon.

The mission of RRCIA is to assist in the conservation and interpretartion of Red Rock Canyon for the benefit of the public. RRCIA does this in many ways through the publication and distibution of interpretive literature, sign displays and educational materials for interpretive programs, and assisting in developing and administiring interpretive programs, seminars, and lectures for educatrion and interpretation.

RRCIA has the ability to do this through fundraising and by selling merchandise in the Red Rock Visior Center Gift Store. All proceeds of from the gift store, fundraising, and any monetary donoations go right back into Red Rock Canyon to be used for many interpretiv

RRCIA works with signage, coordinates with State Parks on trails and interpretive brochures and trail boxes.  We also stay in contact with educators and researchers to promote exploration and scientific study of the amazing resources found at Red Rock.

Special lifetime recognition dinner for retired Red Rock Canyon State park ranger Mark Faull.

Numerous talks and presentations are conducted each year at the park by rangers, docents and guest speakers.

There have been a number of special events held at the park put on by the RRCIA.