Ricardo Nature Walk

Visitor Center

A docent guided nature hike through Ricardo Nature Trail. Meet at the Visitor Center at 9am

The History of Hagen Canyon

Hagen Canyon Abbott Drive, Cantil, CA, United States

Meet at Hagen Canyon trail head, 3/4 of a mile from Visitor Center at the entrance of Abbott Drive.

The History of Hagen Canyon

Hagen Canyon Abbott Drive, Cantil, CA, United States

A docent guided nature hike presenting the history of Hagen Canyon. Meet at the Hagen Canyon trail head 3/4 of a mile west of the Vistory…

A Walk Through Time

Ricardo Campground

A docent guided nature hike with glimpses into the past. Meet at the trail head for Desert View Nature Trail. Located at the end of…

A Walk Through Time

Ricardo Campground

A docent guided nature hike with glimpses into the past.   Meet at the trail head for Desert View Nature Trail. Located just at the…

Ricardo Nature Trail

Visitor Center

A docent guided nature hike through Ricardo Nature Trail.   Meet at the Visitor Center at 9:00am.

Ricardo Trail Nature Walk

Visitor Center

A Docent of Red Rock Canyon will guide you through an interactive walk on Ricardo Nature Trail discussing the natural and cultural history of the…

Ricardo Trail Nature Walk

Visitor Center

A Docent of Red Rock Canyon will guide you through an interactive walk on Ricardo Nature Trail discussing the natural and cultural history of the…